Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm back

I have really been slacking with my blog. Basically just wanted to fill everyone in on my life right now. I am currently living with my parents in WV but I am moving to FL at the end of the month to go to massage therapy school and live with my girlfriend. This decision to move has not made any one really happy other than my girl friend and myself. I thought I was going to go to college to be a journalist. Many factors led to me leaving college after one year. Gay bashing, my adhd, my anxiety, personal problems, and difficulty level. I do not regret one second of that year though. Through my first year of college I found myself as a person and a proud lesbian. I found friendships that will last a lifetime. I made memories. I found my true love. I had a year to explore everything that is out there. I liked what was out there. After another year of not living with my parents but also not going to school I realized how hard it is. But I still loved every moment of it. I had to make a plan. I wrecked my car and lost my job. Ever since my girlfriend moved to Florida in August I have felt like a piece of me is missing. The distance was tough and the only thing keeping me from true happiness. I had a few careers bouncing around in my head for months. The main two were Real estate agent or massage therapist. I decided I needed a career and that I would also continue my passion of writing on the side. There is a great school in FL for massage therapy. I made my mind up. And now I am just blindly following a road that I hope will end in happiness.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Truth is we were best friends, you were always confused, I knew what I wanted and that was you. Now you know but your not with me. This is something you might not even read.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Living young, wild, and free.

Sometimes I think people my age don't realize how young we really are. The most important thing to someone at 18, 19 should be their future. I feel I am the only one that sees that. Stop worrying about making someone your boyfriend/girlfriend. Stop crying over little things that in a year or so don't matter. This is your prime time. Be a little selfish and do what makes you happy and what is going to be best for your future what ever that may be.

Been a while

So, I have not blogged in almost 2 years. I find this incredibly concerning. I am working on my first year of college and so many interesting things have happened over the months that I should have shared. My mom is my own personal blog but she urged me to start writing again. I mean it is my passion right? So I am going to put at least one new blog up every week and hopefully the frequency of that changes. Lets see. :)
Words aren’t supposed to hurt right? Well first hand seeing a heart being broken to pieces by just a few words is powerful and eye opening. Think before you call names. Your words might be the last thing someone hears before they decide life isn’t worth living anymore.