Monday, June 29, 2015


OK, people here it is. When you say things like #straightpride or #whitepride you look moronic. You're proud to be straight? Really? Of course you are! Because it is accepted EVERYWHERE! You're proud to be white? Why wouldnt you be? You get all the advantages you need. No one is going to not let you get the job because your white or because your straight. No one is going to give you death threats as you walk down the street minding your own business. No one has opressed you. No one has hated on you for 100's of years. So yes, we ALL know that you have it good and are proud to be who you are, which is fine. BUT #gaypride and #blackpride are reasons to REALLY be proud. We stand up and say how proud we are because we go out everyday with the fear of the world discrimnating against us just because we are different. Suffarage and determination has made us proud of things that other people arent. So, yes we may get offended when people who have had it so easy in comparison feel the need to rain on our pride parade.

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